#Feature SHOKKI
Ceramic label
セラミックレーベル SHOKKI
アート作品なのか? 実用品か? 手の跡が残る一点ものだけどマルチプル。ずらりと並べばまるで大量生産品のパロディにも見えてくる。なんとも愛でたい脱力と謎の存在感。私たちHappeningsがハンドメイド・セラミックレーベルSHOKKIに共感するのはこんなユーモアとアマチュアリズムを讃えるような匿名性に他なりません。これらのプロダクトはどんなアイデアから生まれているのでしょう? そういえば先日、岡山から大阪にお引越しコンセプトショップをスタート、と新展開も気になるところです。
Is it a work of art? A practical product? It is one-of-a-kind, but multiple, with traces of the hand. If they are lined up in a row, they look like a parody of mass-produced products. It has a mysterious presence and a sense of powerlessness that we want to love. It is this kind of humor and anonymity that we at H share with the handmade ceramic label SHOKKI, which celebrates amateurism. What kind of ideas go into the making of these products? Speaking of which, we are also interested in the new development of SHOKKI, which recently moved from Okayama to Osaka and started a concept store.
いや、僕がロンドンに交換留学に行ってたんですけど、大学に戻ってきたら、彼女は卒業して信楽の「滋賀県立陶芸の森美術館」のレジデンスに行ってたんです。彼女と連絡を取っているうちに陶芸って面白そうだなって。で、僕もレジデンスの申請をしたら通って、1ヶ月だけ行けることになりました。でも行ったはいいけど、なにを作ればいいのか? まったく分からなくて。
最初は作ることを純粋に楽しんでいて、その次はブランドとしてどう見せていくか? 運営していくか?を楽しんで。そうやって自分の興味の対象をシフトさせていくことで今も作り続けていますね。運営を考えるのも粘土を捏ねるのも、自分はSHOKKIというブランドの社員なんだ、と捉えつつ。
ーーあらためてSHOKKIは作品なのか? 実用品なのか? 手捻りの一点ものだけどマルチプルで、ずらっと並ぶと大量生産品のパロディのようでもあるような。目指すところは?
ーWhen did you move to Hirakata Koen Station, Osaka?
The contract started in April (of 2021), but it took a long time to renovate due to lack of budget. We started opening in December.
ーUp until now, you had a studio in Okayama City, right?
The studio is in Akaiwa City. My parents live in Okayama City. I don't think people know much about Akaban City, but it is a town with many peach farmers.
ーYou started SHOKKI in 2013, didn't you?
At first, I was doing it as a hobby, so I had no idea it would turn into something like this. At first, I was just doing it as a way to make some extra money. It was enough to give away to my friends.
ーHow did you get started with ceramics?
A girl I liked when I was in college was doing ceramics, and I wanted to get closer to her (laughs).
ーDid she teach you how to make ceramics?
No, I was on an exchange program in London, and when I came back to the university, she had graduated and was doing a residency at the "Shiga Prefectural Museum of Ceramic Art" in Shigaraki. While I was keeping in touch with her, I thought that ceramics sounded interesting. I applied for the residency and was accepted, so I was able to go there for one month. I went, but I had no idea what to make. I had no idea.
ーYou are looking for a girlfriend, aren't you? What did you make at first?
I decided to make cups for the time being.
ーWith a light heart.
That's right. But we use cups every day, and I had never thought about how they are made. I had never really thought about how they were made, and there were many simple surprises, like how this clay could become shiny if it was baked. Then I started making cups every day. It became fun.
ーAnd you have a girlfriend nearby.
One day, a friend of mine, an artist named Mari Tanimoto, came to visit me in Shigaraki. She saw the cups I made and said, "I'm going to start a store in Kyoto called "Mizuiro Club" and I want to sell them (as products).
ーWas the placement of your work at "Mizuiro Club" the beginning of SHOKKI?
Yes, it was. I am very grateful. And from then on, the number of products you made increased. (We also had our products placed at "poncotan" (a gallery/shop in Minamiuonuma City).
ーDid you come up with the name "SHOKKI" around that time?
Yes, I did. I am an artist under my real name, but I wanted to differentiate myself from that.
ーWhy did you choose the name "Shokki" (tableware)?
I suggested it to my girlfriend at the time and she said, "Why not?" She said, "Why don't you propose it? I thought it was a good idea. I didn't think too much about it (laughs). (laughs) I was just thinking it would be fun to make cups or something.
ーDid the expansion of SHOKKI awaken your interest in ceramics?
No. I still think that so-called ceramics is a rigid world, but I had little interest in that world. I was not interested in the world of ceramics. I was not interested in the world of matcha bowls, which are very expensive, and the values are difficult to understand, so I could not easily get involved. There are many rules that only exist in that industry.
ーI see. After your residency in Shigaraki, you will return to your hometown in Okayama Prefecture, right?
I broke up with my girlfriend. In other words, my original pure purpose of doing pottery immediately disappeared.... I was just about to graduate from university, so I went back to my parents' house in Okayama.
ーYou decided to continue with ceramics.
I had a request to deliver ceramics, so I looked for a pottery class to fulfill it and found one. It was a nice, relaxed place. I made pottery with my grandparents during the daytime on weekdays.
ーDid you fire SHOKKI's products in the pottery class's kiln?
The pottery class and... Also, some larger community centers have pottery kilns, don't they? There, under the name of "Wakuwaku Pottery Club" or something like that, old men enjoyed pottery making in groups. I didn't join the club, and I was making potteries there by myself. But it was conspicuous and looked suspicious when a young man was making a lot of potteries by himself during the daytime on weekdays. I can talk about it now, but I know you are not allowed to use it for commercial purposes.
ーIt is a community center, isn't it?
One day, the lady at the reception desk said to me, "You're doing business, aren't you? But I said, "No, I'm not! But I said, "No, I'm not! I said, "No, I'm not! I got over it. I thought it would be too difficult to bake at the community center, so I decided I would have to buy my own kiln.
ーYou decided to buy a kiln in a hurry?
There were exhibitions and orders were pouring in. But even if I bought a kiln, I couldn't put it in my parents' apartment. So I thought, "What should I do? So I looked for a place to rent where I could put the kiln, but I couldn't find anything.
ーSo you bought an old house in Akaiwa City to use as a studio.
Your mother found a large farmhouse for sale at a reasonable price. There is a website called "Sumire Okayama" in Okayama.
ーYou introduce real estate properties?
Yes, I do. My mother and I were obsessed with it for a while. We would say, "Mom, have you seen that property?" (laughs). One day, my mother said, "I think this place is nice. (laughs). It was an old farmhouse, about 3.8 million yen including everything. We had no money at all, so we borrowed money to buy it.
ーYou made up your mind, didn't you?
It was more like I had no choice. I just felt that I had to buy a kiln and find a place to put it as soon as possible.
ーDid SHOKKI's motivation change after you purchased the property?
The pure feeling of having fun kneading clay ended after the first two years. I had expected this from the beginning, but it was about the time when I thought it would become difficult to keep motivated.
ーDid you come up with any new ideas?
I thought, "How can we manage and develop SHOKKI as a brand, not only in terms of what we make but also in terms of how we present it? I thought I would never get tired of it.
ーSo you are adding your own ideas to the way people enjoy SHOKKI.
At first, I genuinely enjoy creating, but then I think about how to present it as a brand, how to manage it, and how to develop it. How do you want to present it as a brand? Then, how should we present it as a brand? By shifting the object of my interest in this way, I am continuing to create. I think of myself as an employee of the SHOKKI brand, whether I am thinking about management or kneading clay.
ーFrom kneading clay to brand presentation, do you think about the management of the brand objectively on your own?
I feel like I am constantly changing my view of SHOKKI little by little. When I receive feedback from customers or orders from stores, it is sometimes interesting to see how they look at my work.
ーThe concept of SHOKKI is "Well, whatever. The concept of SHOKKI is "to be as carefree and free as possible. What is the reason for this?
Ceramic art is completed when it is fired in a kiln, so we have no choice but to accept the finished product. The last part of the work is untouchable. I think that is a good thing. It's like giving up, or not being able to put my own intention into the work until the very end.
ーIs this an experiment in which you leave the final touches to the kiln?
I think it is difficult to create something new if I just make what I imagined before working with my hands. So I'm hoping that by giving up and accepting the result, I might be able to acquire something new that I can't even imagine. In the beginning, I didn't know how much clay to use, so I intended to make a mug, but it turned out to be a vase (in terms of size) (laughs). I really want to make something like that now.
ーBy leaving things to others, unexpected new things may be born.
Of course, as a creator, I can feel that something is good or not so good when it comes out of the oven. But I try to accept all the results.
ーYou accept the unevenness and bumpiness.
I remember, at a pottery class I attended in Okayama, there was an exhibition called "Ubue Exhibition," in which the amateurs who attended the class exhibited their works. Each piece had a title and caption, and there was a hand-twisted piece titled "ZAKKI.
ーAre you copying SHOKKI?
I think so (laughs). When I was making a lot of pottery in my pottery class, I used to put my signature "SHOKKI" on the back of my works, so I think my grandfather, who was an old man, probably saw that and came up with the title "ZAKKI" (zakki). It was interesting to see it spread like that, and it also made me feel that this was okay.
ーWhat made you think so?
I did not want to forget the purity of the work. I felt that it is good that anyone can create. So, through SHOKKI's activities, I hope that everyone will discover the fun of amateur creations. That's how I feel.
ーSHOKKI is a work of art? Is it a practical product? It is a one-of-a-kind, hand-twisted product, but it is multiple, and when lined up in a row, it seems to be a parody of mass-produced products. What is your goal?
I try not to say too much about SHOKKI myself, but given my predilection, I'm not really interested in handmade goods or cute things. I am also indifferent to the fact that the work is made by hand, and that there are traces of the handmade work in the form. On the other hand, I don't know if "hand-twisting ceramics" is the right term to use, but I am trying to create something like a prototype of that. I refer to things that don't have the individuality of the artist. around 2018, I often looked at the way MUJI and UNIQLO do things.
ーIt's bumpy, but it's anonymous. You could say that is writerly.
It may be bumpy, but as a creator, you may be aiming for something anonymous. By the way, I prefer anonymous things to things that I want to use in my daily life.
ーYou have collaborated with many artists. Why is that?
When I started SHOKKI, I thought that first of all, I had to cultivate a soil where ceramic art without specialized knowledge and techniques like SHOKKI would be accepted. There were such things overseas, but there were not many of them in Japan at the time. So one of the reasons for the initial collaboration was to work with various people to make them aware of this style of ceramic art and SHOKKI. Also, I felt uncomfortable about SHOKKI being treated as a single artist's name at the time, so I collaborated with various people in order to remove the name "SHOKKI" and have it exist as a "label.
ーDo you want to make it less artist-oriented?
That was my intention, but in fact it has become stronger. By collaborating with various people, my own individuality, which I didn't even know I had, became apparent. I became aware of my own individuality.
ーSo you are saying that you became aware of your own particularities, which you had been unconscious of before.
At first I thought it would be better if SHOKKI did not have my own individuality, but recently I have been thinking that it would be okay to reflect my individuality in a straightforward manner. I don't trust my own individuality very much, but as the number of times I have presented my works as SHOKKI has increased, I have become more conscious of myself as a creator, and some of my feelings have changed from the first time I presented them.
ーHave your thoughts changed as you have presented more and more?
Regarding production, I have come to be able to predict the completion of a project. There is a certain uninterestingness in being able to predict the outcome. So now I intentionally incorporate things that are impossible to predict. For example, I try to apply several layers of glaze. I feel like I am experimenting with each collection, which is presented four times a year.
ーHow much work do you do for each collection?
I make mostly one-of-a-kind, hand-twisted pieces, such as mugs, tumblers, flatware, bowls, vases, baskets, objets d'art, and about 10 other types. The type and number of pieces varies depending on the technique of the collection at the time, but in all, I make about 150 pieces. (I don't often make just one object (like an art piece).
ーWhy did you move to Hirakata Koen Station, Osaka?
I had been thinking about moving with my partner since before Covid-21. She often works in Kyoto. So we were looking for a place in Kyoto, but we had to build a studio for ceramics and a silk-screening studio for my partner, and we couldn't find a place that was just right for our budget. I looked in a wider radius around Kyoto and found an interesting place at Hirakata Koen station.
ーThe building at Hirakata Koen Station was originally a dry cleaner's shop, but it was converted into a gallery/shop and named "MALL".
MALL" refers to the entire building. The concept is that the studio and store are like tenants. In the store, there is a zine section that my partner is in charge of, as well as silk printed clothes. It's a small scale, but we thought it would be fun to make it look like a shopping mall.
ーWhat kind of SHOKKI products do you plan to offer at "MALL"?
We are planning to carry products that reflect the SHOKKI concept more, such as products from past collaborations, which we don't get a chance to showcase very often. One-of-a-kind mugs and such sell quickly, but I also feel that we are making other more interesting products.
ーHow are things going?
It's been slow because people haven't come to the shop at all. If things continue as they are, we will close soon, so I would like everyone to feel free to come by (laughs).
A handmade ceramic label started in 2013. With a carefree and free spirit of "Well, whatever..." In 2021, they will open a concept space "MALL" near Hirakata Koen Station in Osaka, which will include a store, gallery, and studio.
土日祝日のみ営業 第2日曜休
2022年5月末まで「SHOKKI SHOP」、出版レーベル「pharmacy」によるジン等を扱う「薬局」がオープン。音楽家nensowによる、枚方などでのフィールドレコーディングを元にしたインスタレーション作品の展示も。