on the zoom


写真家 中村寛史

それはカメラマンという職業柄か? もともとの性格か? 雑誌の撮影現場では多くを語らず、なるべく存在を消そうとしている、ように見える中村寛史さん。先日そんな彼がこっそりと近づいてきてインタビューをして欲しいと言う。聞けば、大阪で個展が決定し写真集も作る、といつになく気合が入っている様子。ということで写真家・中村寛史とは? いわく「見えないものを撮る」、そんな街の余白を浮かび上がらせるような作風はどこから?  中村寛史の歴史=中史を振り返っていただきましょう。

Is it because of my profession as a photographer? Or is it his personality? Hiroshi Nakamura does not say much at magazine photo shoots, and seems to try to be as invisible as possible. The other day, he approached me stealthily and asked me to interview him. He seemed to be more enthusiastic than ever about his upcoming solo exhibition in Osaka and the production of a photo book. So, what is the photographer Hiroshi Nakamura? Where does he get his style of "photographing the invisible" and bringing to light the margins of the city?  Let's take a look back at the history of Hiroshi Nakamura.

中村寛史 写真展『中史』
2022年 1月7日(金)~ 2月14日(月)


Hiroshi Nakamura Photograph Exhibition "Chu-shi"
2022 January 7 (Fri) - February 14 (Mon), 2022


























































その頃、心斎橋のFUKUGAN GALLERYでいろんな人と仲良くなって。そこからアート的な活動の方に。展示をやらせてもらったり。












技術的なことを勉強したおかげて余計な心配をすることもなくなったし、どう撮ればいいのか?が分かるようになったこともあって。どれだけ自分らしい写真が撮れるか? それに雑誌で誰が撮ったか?が気になるような写真を撮りたかったので独立しました。




撮るときは後のことを何も考えてなくて。例えば、変なおっさんがいたら撮るけど、なぜそこでシャッターを切るのか? それがイコール写真だと考えていて。行為自体が写真というか。




例えば、仕事の帰り道が2パターンあって、今日はどっちから帰るのか? そんな選択も常に意識していて、撮る・撮らないも帰り道の選択も全部繋がっていて。この道を選んだから変なおっさんに会ったとか。

ーー予定されている写真展『中史』はいわば行為の軌跡? 今回は書店での展示ですが、どんな写真展になりそうです?





展覧会をやりましょう、と(LVDB BOOKSの)上林くんに声を掛けてもらって。でも、展示しようと思う写真を数枚を見せた時の反応が微妙で(笑)。写真集のようなボリュームで伝えないと満足してもらえないと思ったのが動機です(笑)。あと書店での展示なので、売れるかなと。写真集もインタビューもそうですけど、編集しながら、喋りながら、自分で自分のことを理解している側面があります。







ーYou are from Shiga Prefecture, aren't you?

Yes, Hikone.

ーWhat kind of town is Hikone?

It's a town where interesting things don't take root.

ーYou liked movies and music, didn't you? When you were a student, did you read "Studio Voice"?

There was no "Studio Voice" in Hikone.

ーWhat about music?

Even though Mistill was becoming popular around me, I was listening to Western music. But I was only listening to Western music on omnibus CDs like "MAX. Blur, Oasis, Green Day, and so on. That's how it was in the countryside. We didn't have the Internet yet.

ーWhat are some of your memories from school?

In junior high school, during art class, everyone was drawing pictures, but I was making collages. I was praised by the teachers and everyone else! and the teacher and everyone praised me.

ーThat's pretty avant-garde, isn't it?

I thought to myself that it was just a technique and nothing amazing. But when I entered high school, my art teacher liked me. He also helped me with my future career. I also went to study drawing.

ーAiming to go to art school?

Yes, I did. I went there for about a year in my second year of high school. I was taught by an old lady named Ms. Yamamoto. But I thought it was impossible. I was too bad at it. I was like that comedian on AMETOKU who doesn't know how to draw.

ーLike drawing eyebrows on a dog.

I didn't understand perspective at all.

ーIs that why you went into photography?

I was like a high school student thinking, "I can just push a button and take a picture, right? That's what high school students think. I was accepted to the photography department of Osaka University of Arts with a recommendation. I failed to get into Seian (University of Art and Design), but I didn't want to study anymore, so I went straight to Osaka University of Arts.

ーDoes everyone in the photography department at Osaka University of Arts seem to aspire to be a photographer?

No, there were kids who knew nothing about photography, including myself. At the time, Hiromix was very popular, so there were kids who came in just because of that influence. Anyway, the ratio of applicants was quite low, so it was like people who thought it would be kind of cool to go to an art college would come in.

ーIs that why you bought a camera?

Before I entered the university, I bought a cheap used camera at a photo shop in Hikone. I had no idea what model it was. After I entered the university, I was embarrassed to find out that it was a very low grade camera.

ーWhat kind of photography did you like at that time?

At the time, Masashi Sanai was taking pictures of Kururi's jackets, and photography was coming into my mind along with music, so I was influenced by that. I hoped to be like that in the future.


...No, I wasn't thinking about anything (laughs).

ーWhat kind of photographs did you take at university?

First of all, I took snapshots. I lived at Kishi station, which is the closest station to the school, so I would go out and take pictures from there.

ーDid you go to Umeda or Shinsaibashi?

No, I went somewhere other than the city. Toward nature.

ーIf you come to Osaka from the countryside, you might think, "I'm going to shoot in the city! I don't have that kind of guts.

I don't have that kind of guts. Besides, I would be embarrassed if I met my friends near my school, so I would go to Kawachinagano. Or I might go to Chikatsu Asuka or the Kofun area.

ーIt sounds like my grandfather's hobbies.

I have a passive personality. But I had to do something during the summer vacation of my freshman year! And I did. I hitchhiked to Kyushu.

ーYou were really gutsy about it.

I had to do something! I just had this feeling that I had to do it. I was determined. I wrote down where I was going on a piece of cardboard. While staying in the field.

ーThat's youth, isn't it?

I was 19 years old. However, when I submitted the photos I took at that time for a college assignment, I was really scolded by my teacher because I included only one photo of Hikone. Many of my teachers were very picky about the concept. I thought, "If the picture is good, that's all that matters, right? I thought, "If the picture is good enough, that's all that matters.

ーPhotographer Shinryo Saeki is in the same department, right?

He is one grade above me. I saw a picture of Mr. Saeki's on the glass door of the staff room of the photography department, and I was shocked by how cool it was. It was the first photo of Mr. Saeki's that made me feel comfortable with photography at university. I had never met him at school. I quit the university when I was a sophomore.

ーWhy did you quit university?

My father introduced me to a photographer, and I started working as an apprentice, or rather, doing odd jobs for him. When I started going to school there, I knew nothing about it, but I was suddenly told, "I've got a job for you, so go ahead and take pictures. It was a photo shoot of food for a free newspaper. The client praised my photos. It became more fun than studying at school.

ーSo that's why you quit.

I quit during my sophomore year and started going to see that photographer every day, but the free paper was discontinued.... The photographer was a scary man with an old-fashioned personality, and he was very angry with me. I did nothing but chores and learned nothing technical. Every evening, I was sent to buy Jack Daniels.

ーI was in charge of Jack Daniels.

I was so angry every day that I didn't know who I was anymore. Also, he was a strong betting man. If I lost, he would buy me drinks. I wasn't a strong drinker, but I would drink until morning and throw up at Crysta Nagahori. I wanted to quit, but I didn't have the courage to say "I quit." After about a year of working there, I was relieved when they told me to quit.

ーThat's great.

Then I started working part-time at an izakaya in Tennoji. Shiroki-ya in the Apollo Building. Shirokiya was the No. 1 selling tavern in the Kansai region, and there were many people who put their lives on the line for a part-time job. Basically, I am the type of person who gets fired from a part-time job, so I was very angry with those people.

ーYou are always getting angry.

I used to get angry a lot until I was about 27 years old. Even old men I didn't know would get mad at me for some reason.

ーWhy do you think you get angry?

Now that I think about it, I was naive in many ways.

ーWhat happened after that?

Another photographer took a liking to me, and I was doing chores. It would be the same as before...


He was angry at me. I wanted to live my life by avoiding harsh things as much as possible, but I think I was attracting them in the opposite direction.

ーWere you making your own films?

Around that time, I became friends with many people at FUKUGAN GALLERY in Shinsaibashi. From there, I started to get involved in artistic activities. I was allowed to exhibit my work.

ーDid you become more fulfilled?

I was getting fulfilled, but I was also starting to see my limits.


My motivation has decreased. When I was about 27 years old, I traveled from Hokkaido to Okinawa to see and photograph various things, but I felt like I had no excuse for being a photographer. It's not like I won any awards.

ーDid you ever think of making photography a hobby rather than a job?

I felt I couldn't work as a salaried worker. I also thought that if I didn't get a job where I had to touch a camera every day, I would quit photography. My girlfriend, who is a stylist, introduced me to a studio where I worked for 7 or 8 years. I worked there for seven or eight years.

ーWere you scolded there as well?

I was angry, but it was good because I was able to discuss things with other assistants instead of having a one-on-one relationship.

ーI'm glad to hear that.

That's where I finally learned the basics of photography techniques. I learned the fun of portrait photography for fashion magazines. It was a tough job, but I started practicing even on my days off. But I didn't want to end up as an assistant, so I started my own business.

ーThat was in 2015.

Thanks to my technical studies, I no longer had to worry about unnecessary things, and I was able to understand how to take pictures. I also started to understand how to take pictures. How much can I take a picture that looks like me? And who took the picture in the magazine? I became independent because I wanted to take pictures that people would care about.

ーWhat is a picture that is uniquely you?

I don't have a picture in my mind, but I find it interesting to be accidental or unexpected. I do not want to give form to an image, but rather to photograph what I cannot see. I want to cherish that impulse.

ーWhen you take a picture, do you have an impulse at the time of the encounter?

When I take a picture, I don't think about what will happen later. For example, if I see a strange old man, I will take a picture of him, but why do I release the shutter? That is what photography is all about. The act itself is the photograph.

ーDo you think about the difference between releasing the shutter and not releasing the shutter afterwards?

If I feel like it, I do it anyway. But later, there are many times when I think, "This photo is not good," or "I wish I hadn't taken that picture. I often choose not to take a picture when I'm torn by experience.

ーSo you take the picture anyway, but you make your choice in the moment.

For example, if I have two different ways to get home from work, which way should I take today? I am always conscious of such choices, and the choice of which way to go home and which way not to take a picture are all connected. For example, I may have met a strange old man because I chose this path.

ーYour planned photo exhibition "Chushi" is, so to speak, a trail of deeds? What kind of exhibition do you think it will be?

It could be called a trajectory, but it is more like an installation, and I hope it will be in harmony with the place where it will be exhibited.

ーBy the way, how do you think about the difference between showing your work on social networking sites and exhibiting it?

I don't mind if people say the photos are subtle on social media, but it would be sad if people say they are subtle in an exhibition (laughs).

ーWhy did you decide to make a photo book this time?

Mr. Kambayashi (of LVDB Books) asked me to do an exhibition. But when I showed him a few of the photos I was thinking of exhibiting, the response was not very subtle (laughs). (laugh). My motivation was that I thought I would not be satisfied unless I conveyed my ideas in a volume like a photo book (laugh). Also, since it was an exhibition at a bookstore, I thought it would sell well. As is the case with photo books and interviews, there is an aspect of understanding myself as I edit and speak.

ーCould you give us a few words for this exhibition?

The spirit of service is the best I have ever had. My friends made me tote bags and magnets. Thank you, friends! I feel like that.

ーYou have a talent that makes people want to help you.

First of all, I think that I need to make the exhibition interesting to the people around me.

ーI hope that photographer will come to see your work.

No. (laughs) That's okay.


Hiroshi Nakamura

Born in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. worked at a studio before going freelance in 2015. Lives and works in Tokyo. I shoot everything. I want to make my work into work, and my work into work.

中村寛史 写真展『中史』
会期 2022年 1月7日(金)~ 2月14日(月)1:00PM - 7:00PM 火水木曜休
会場 LVDB BOOKS(大阪市東住吉区田辺3-9-11)